Human Activity is the Primary Driver of Climate Change Worldwide

Human Activity is the Primary Driver of Climate Change Worldwide

Climate change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define
Earth’s local, regional, and global environment. These changes have a broad range of observed
effects that bring this topic to our attention.

As the climate changes, many animals are struggling to adapt. These changes exacerbate existing
threats, such as habitat loss and degradation, while adding new challenges, including shifting
seasons and altered migration patterns. These threats pose an ever-growing danger to animals and
the human race at large. To a greater extent, pushing some animal species toward extinction.

To mitigate the effects of change, it’s critical that we reduce human activity that increases the
amount of carbon in the atmosphere.

Let’s agree or disagree: human activity is the primary driver of climate change worldwide. This type
of change is referred to as anthropogenic, according to the scientists. Humans have been burning
fossil fuels for over 150 years, which in turn has drastically increased the production of atmospheric
greenhouse gases, most notably carbon dioxide.

In the same spirit, logging and development have led to widespread deforestation, degradation, and
other carbon sinks, destroying all natural resources that store carbon dioxide and prevent it from
being released into the atmosphere.

Our ways of generating power for electricity, heat, and transportation, our built environment and
industries, our ways of interacting with the land, and our consumption habits together serve as the
primary drivers of climate change. As a human race, if we embarked on revising our activities to
favor the earth, then we will be able to save the planet.


  1. this is very educative .climate change is really affecting every one

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