Mama D Attempts to Break the World Record Cookathon Once Again.

Mama D Attempts to Break the World Record Cookathon Once Again.

Doucus Basheba Kirabo aka MamaD. A uganda chef famous for previously breaking the world record for the longest cooking time.

 She is here again to reclaim her title after another Ghanaian chef. One Failiatu Abdul-Razak  broke Mama d’s previous record of 114hrs with a whooping 227 hours.

This time mama d is attempting to cook for the longest time by an individual. She kicked off her record on Sunday, as she prepared several meals for her fans. who include famous Ugandan tweeps like @Ishmaelthehost, brave and Phil. she turned up in a good vibe to smash the record.

 The funs have converged to cheer her on as she faces her mantle. Mama D will be doing 192 hrs this time . The cooking marathon (cookathon) will last a week from June 1 to June 8 2024.


  1. Ali

    The people around the area she is attempting the record don’t buy food anymore… I guess

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