Analysis of Education in Rural Uganda

Analysis of Education in Rural Uganda

Imagine an 11-year-old girl in a Ugandan village in the TESO region. These all Yearn to learn but forced to marry instead. This is the harsh reality for many children in the rural parts of Uganda. Where unequal access to quality education cripples potential. 

Education enables a child to gain employment opportunities . Empowering boys and girls to participate in decision-making. Those that build a better future for the communities they come from.

Out of 10 million Ugandan children, a straggling 8 million lack access to a quality education. Hindering their ability to break the cycle of poverty.

The best schools in the country are in Kampala and the central region. Leaving the rural areas with underfunded and facilitated schools.


Here are some statistics to  give you an insight

4 out of 10 children attend lower school education. This number rose after 2011 when the government survey showed 2 out of 10.

8 out of 10 attend primary school and then 1 out of 4 attend secondary school.


Child marriages, Inadequate infrastructure, and teenage pregnancies are common occurrences in rural schools. This accounts for  8% of the girls who leave school in rural areas. 

School fees, lack of learning materials. Large class sizes at school among others keep teens especially girls out of secondary school.

Only 50% of the children in primary 3 to primary 6 were efficient and proficient in numeracy and literacy, in a survey carried on earlier by the government.


World bodies such as Unicef among others have swung into action to save the education system in Uganda. Making it available and affordable to all the children.

Unicef is collaborating with other partners to improve the quality of education by supporting the development of policies and strategies for a more efficient and equal education system.

Grassroots organizations like “Education for TESO” are bridging the gap by building low-cost schools and providing scholarships for girls.

Unicef is providing education on sexuality for the going and children out of school. Its also availing the adolescents who are out of school a second chance at life. Through skilling them in fields like carpentry, mechanics, tailoring, etc.

By supporting organizations like Unicef and local champions, we can empower the future of Uganda rural. TESO region.

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