Categories Sports

Usain Bolt: The Fastest Man Alive

There’s a name that reverberates through history in the world of athletics, A name that became known  with speed, grace, and unyielding determination. Usain Bolt Born in Sheerwood Content, Jamaica Usain Bolt’s journey to Olympic glory began amidst the vibrant rhythms of his homeland, but his destiny stretched…

Categories Sports

Kylian Mbappe Joins Real Madrid

25 year old Kylian Mbappe joined Real Madrid from Paris St Germain where he spent 7 seasons and won 15 trophies and scored 256 goals in 308 appearances. This is not the first time Real Madrid approached PSG with interest in buying Mbappe, back In 2021 Real Madrid…

Categories Gaming

FC Champions Tournament

Calling all FIFA Champions! Join the FC champions Tournament – a knockout FIFA tournament with a massive 1,000,000 UGX prize for the winning team! Here’s what you need to know: Get ready for an epic FIFA battle! For more details and registration check the contact us page. Don’t…

Categories Tech

The Internet now a Basic need

The internet is a worldwide network of computers called the World Wide Web. On the internet information is shared and accessed instantly. This is a massive library that you can find and read about almost anything you can think of. Ranging from business, education right to funny videos…

Categories Tech

The Future is Now Reality.

Having a car take you wherever you want on its own as it safely. Navigates through traffic, maintains speed and even changes lanes is not in the past anymore. Self driving cars are no longer just science fiction, but companies like WAYMO and TESLA are now rolling out…